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Hey everyone! My name is metalmoose and I retexture hair for The Sims 3. I retexture what I feel like playing with, but feel free to send me any suggestions!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Same Way That The Stars Adorn The Skies (SkySims 47 Moose'd)

So I'm not going to talk much about my personal life this time around because its stressing me out. I will only talk about the good things for now. I'm excited for tonight because I'm going to Universal Studios Halloween Haunt tonight, and I met this guy who is totally my type about a week ago, and I feel like he might be interested. He and I have been texting back and forth and I'm trying to find a way to meet up with him. Hopefully things work out, and I might just keep all of you posted because I don't know any of you in real life. 

So basically I had issues with this mesh because it floated like crazy, and it had no morphs. I made it stop floating and added morphs. Both my version and the original have transparency issues, because my version is an extremely tweaked version of the original as opposed to a conversion like some of my other work. An issue that some people may have with my version over the original is the length of the first two segments of the braid. Some people might think that they're too long, but I think they look looser and more casual. Also, I mostly lengthened them in order to move the entirety of the braid closer to the chest and shoulders. An array of advantages to using my version are the superior textures, actual morphs, and functional bone assignments. 

This hair's title is based on a song by Miguel called Adorn. Its gorgeous, you might love it.

Click the images to enlarge. Unedited:






Catch Phrase!
*This hairstyle is for teen-elder females only. No child version, because what the heck kind of child has a braid this long?*
This hairstyle is compatible with breast and fat sliders, although the face and hair may clip a tiny bit at full fatness. 

-Press CTRL + S to download when you reach the page-
(or go up the to left-hand corner and click file, and select download from the drop-down menu)

DISCLAIMER: I did not mesh this, Skysims did, but I did a ton of work to get it to this point where it works as nicely in game as he does. 

If you like what I do, please go ahead and follow my simblr, or you can also subscribe here at my blog, or you can comment here on my blog. Thanks for dropping by!


Let me know if you have problems with things, I will do my best. I'm having trouble with some of the old links because I've lost things in crashes and haven't backed everything up, but I plan to update some of my old hairs as it is. 

I would be honored if you desire to use my work in pictures/video, but please don't claim as your own work or reupload. Only upload if you're bundling in a sim upload, in which case I require credit. Otherwise please don't upload at all, that's just rude. Please refrain from posting any retextures of my version of this hair before  November 3rd, 2012. That's 3 weeks from today. Please give me credit if you decide to retexture my version. Please don't steal my textures or claim as your own. Happy Simming!


  1. Very, very, veeeeryyyyy awesome *.*
    I love what You did.

    "and I met this guy who is totally my type"

    I'm jelly, I can never find someone here ;<

  2. You're awesome! Thank you for fixing this braid!! :D I only use SkySims hairs that you've fixed.

  3. This is awesome. Great job! (:

  4. Hello~
    I like your creation.
    Better than the original!

    Excuse me,can you change new download link?
    I am not good at English...

  5. I'll be retexturing this after 3 weeks ^^ okay?

  6. Oh and EA version looks like this in my game.. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Ei5SJU9Mb_Q/UHyYdZfqvdI/AAAAAAAAB5o/JuBJ4Hiaox0/s640/Screenshot-25.jpg
    Can you please fix it? :D cause i love it.

    1. Same here. But it looks fine in game. (:

  7. Its not letting me open the file to extract it. It shows a different window and it says file cannot blahblahblah. Please help! :( I love this hair so much.

  8. ILY Moose. Please upload the presets you use for hair colors -- or are they EA defaults? Your blonde is just gorgeous.

  9. I feel really stupid now... but how do you download it?

  10. i think to download it you must open link "EA Control" or "Adjust-Shine", that are google.docs pages. then you must save those google docs page.

    so the instruction "press ctrl+S to download blablabla..." is suposed to be done at the google.docs page, not at this page.

    hope it helps... :)

  11. how to download it?

  12. So chances are this hair is pretty high poly but I want to know T_T I love this braid *-* Pretty retex skysims *sigh* experts in highpoly hair :/
